Sunday, May 03, 2009

Sunday Toon


DNOTY2007 said...

I like it! There's a plus side to everything!

Casey Freeland said...

Um, ewe...

Unknown said...

Mary has no life to talk about because she is a zombie.

I don't think zombies eat themselves Inky. My Undead Generals are accusing you of bigotry and false informants. They say a formal letter of apology may not suffice.

Cannot hold them for long. They like Irish girls especially, for supper.

Inkpot said...

Thanks DNOTY2007/2008 :)

Hee hee G.C :)

Mary isn't eating herself, Shadowthorne. The wounds on her body were inflicted by the zombie who killed her. Oh dear, I better write a letter to the Undead Generals. I don't want to end up as their lunch.:(

Unknown said...

The reason why I don't buy Resident Evil 5 for PS3 is because of the zombies.

They are bigger, badder and the worst - much much faster than ever.

I don't like zombies too. Even in my day-dream, I always ran out of ammunition killing them. :(

SSQuo said...

Thats super, the only downside is the horrendous hair it seems :)