Monday, August 28, 2006
A ramblers ramblings
While walking on the beach this morning with Janna, I was privy to a host of wildlife. I saw a very large crab in a shallow pool near some rocks. The only reason I saw him at all was because I noticed a large ripple in the pool and then I noticed the crab scuttling under the rocks. He was perfectly camouflaged to match in with the lichen covered rock. He is the second live crab I have seen, and the largest. There were lots of birds on the shore too, oyster catchers and gulls (but not my monster gulls unfortunately) and a heron flew up from some rocks as I approached, looping lazily across the strand in a very haphazard manner. Janna chased some of the oyster catchers, and with the dogged determination of her breed, I was afraid she would catch one, because they didn't fly very high. Luckily, they escaped. I also saw lots of tiny fish fry whizzing around the pools, and the imprint of webbed feet were all over the sand - is there anything cuter?
There is a talk on Blackrock's ecology this evening. I am looking forward to going to it and learning more about the beasties I see every morning on my walk.
Response to Section Two
I'm looking forward to starting section 3 today and I already have the next couple of chapters planned out in detail in my head.
Blueberry update

I left Blueberry into the vet this morning to get the wire removed from his jaw. All going well, his jaw will have stabilized and they will be able to do the operation. His weeks of captivity are almost at an end. He has been kept inside every night since 8th July. While his temperament is better and he is looking leaner and sleeker (no more mice and rats to chew on) he is dying to get outside again. I'm looking forward to it too!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
When good dogs go... bite?
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Section Two
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Lunch time
Anyway, enough of walks and lunch. Time to get back to starting section two.
I still have sand in my shoes

Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Beach bliss
The sun decided to appear this morning after four days of dark cloud and constant rain. Hurried out to the beach. Went to kinnego bay. The sand was golden the atlantic was pearly green with so much foam it looked like some one had put bubble bath in it and the rocks were smooth solid blue or black. The ocean must be rough in the bay because there was very little life in the rock pools. A few dogged limpets and a plank covered with muscles. I have never seen them open and feeding before. It was beautiful. Saw two dead fish washed up too - another first. Janna had great time frolicing in the waves and biting at the water. The beach was quite short and the sand was very soft so not great for walking. If the weather stays fine we will search further afield for a longer strand. The bay made me think of my book and started my writing cogs turning again. Found out when i got back to the house that a ship went down there in the sixteenth century. I must get an hours work in this evening. Feeling inspired.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Bus mans holiday - not!
Arrived saturday. The house is lovely. Very cosy with comfy leather couches and a huge double bed. Janna has settled in really well. I was afraid she would be nervous but that is not the case. Bad weather so no beach but walks all the same. No writing as of yet. Im waiting for inspiration to strike. I have the laptop with me but im not going to force it. I am on holidays.
Friday, August 11, 2006
We're all going on a summer holiday!
Dublin Horse Show 2006

Between the rounds of the Nations Cup the Army's Equitation School performed a lovely demonstration of riding together. It was beautiful to watch, and I was amazed at their military precision (Cori and J.B watch out!)
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Mobile communication
This is a test to see if i can up date my blog while i am on holidays next week. I don't want my fans getting withdrawal symptoms! Fingers crossed it works (if you can read this it worked)