Tuesday, June 10, 2008

School Performance

I had my speech and drama teacher's hat on today. The school where I teach had their end of term performances for their parents and family members (the school isn't closed for another couple of months, but the drama and music lessons are over). They played to a packed house. It was most of the kids first time on stage and it was the first time for all of them doing a play with me. They were all decked out in their costumes and looked very cool. I was really stressed about today because there was so much to do, the children had devised the plays and I had written up the scripts so that was an added tension and also because it was my first performance where I had sole responsibility as the teacher. It is amazing how important the parents' opinion becomes when they are paying you and they are judging your ability on how well their children do. Things went ok. The class I was worried about were great and the class I thought would be fine got stage fright and went to pieces. That's the way with the school performance though. I think the parents enjoyed it and a lot of them said that they had a good time and that their children loved going to me, which is nice to hear. I also got a big bunch of flowers presented to me at the end, which was a lovely surprise.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations. That is some achievement. It is hard to perform but much harder to put a performance together, write, direct, teach, encourage and inspire. Well done. You do not know what much you have influenced those kids. I'm really glad they enjoyed their day in the sun. Enjoy your break

Inkpot said...

Thanks (not so) anon (ha!ha!, I know who you are, but I won't blow your cover). I hope my teaching has been a positive influence on the children and I'm glad they enjoyed the performance. I am shattered by the whole experience!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and well done. they sound like a good bunch of kids who will benefit greatly from your class!

Nice to get the flowers, it's good to see they appreciate you!

Malice Blackheart said...

That's great, inkpot! There's nothing cuter than a bunch of kids in costume onstage - and they get all nervous, and they forgot their lines sometimes, and their acting is invariably terrible, but you know that as nervous as they are, they're gettin a huge rush out of it. For the time being they're the centre of attention in front of a huge audience, and it kinda makes them feel important. And kids don't get to feel all that important all that often.

20 years later, I still have nothing but fond memories of staring in, and badly butchering a school musical at age 11.

Inkpot said...

Hi A Fan (glad to see they exist!)the flowers were a nice surprise.

Hi Mal. I hope my kids will have as fond a memory of the performance of 2008 as you have of your musical. :)