Saturday, November 08, 2008

New Zealand

Almost exactly at this time last year (10am 9th November New Zealand time) Pinky and I landed in Christchurch, our first time on New Zealand soil. We were told it was a balmy 12 degrees, but when we stepped out of the airport we found it to be very hot and sunny.
It doesn't seem like a year ago today, it seems more like a lifetime ago. I am a different person from the one who went to New Zealand. I would like to say a better person, but the opposite is true. The only growing I've done in the year is in girth.


Anonymous said...

Lovely photos- I like the way you let pinky do all the baggage!! DOn't be too down about the year inbetween- loads of achievemtents like multiple publications, swimming, organising workshops and sales etc etc. There are the mountains and troughs in all our lives. Just think of maybe posting this time next year from some other exotic place!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I expect your post of 9th November 2009 to be from some far off place - Cape of Good Hope, the Carribean, Belize (Frasier's fav destination), Russia, Los Angelus, Seville, Peru, Kenya...

Also I think your writing has got even better this last year, if possible. It's so evocative, descriptive, imaginative, peoetic, polished, adamantine...

Rick said...

Looks like you landed there prepared to stay a bit. Or else you pack like my wife - a little bit of everything, "Just in case..."

Have a nice trip nearly down under.

Inkpot said...

Thanks Anon. When you are lazy it is best to go places with someone who can look after things like baggage for you.

Glad to hear my writing has improved Valpot.

We were in New Zealand for a month, Rick, so I think we did ok with one suitcase and one ruck sack each. Of course, I take as much with me when I go away for the weekend. I think your wife has the right idea.