Saturday, January 31, 2009
Here comes the sun
I can't settle.
I'm flitting from writing to reading to listening to music to wanting to nap to yearning to go for a walk and explore the fairy paths on the first dry day since I've been here.
A drum beat at the back of my mind beats out the ticking clock and tells me I don't have much time left here.
I'm sure I'll come down to earth soon.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Conversations with my Characters
'How long have we known each other?' he said.
'Er, I don't know, eighteen years or so.'
'And do you trust me?'
'Gosh Fored, you're my character, you're a figment of my...'
'I think after all this time you should know me well enough to trust me.'
'So let me tell the story, it is my story after all.'
'But what if it's no good?'
Fored shrugged.
'I'm only a character. It's your job to make it good.'
And so the writing flowed from that. I had worried that it was too stilted and fantasy-ish (if you know what I mean) and Fored took care of that. Everytime I slipped back into lyrical prose and thee and thou dialogue he would put up his hand and say
'Hang on a minute, that didn't happen.'
So writing went well yesterday. I might be crazy but I'm happy.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
The clouds are attacking!
I woke up this morning and thought it was an hour earlier than it was because the day was so dark. During the night the wind and the rain crept in on tigers feet and Vaseline coated my view into a soft focus starletts face with the ocean and mountains obscured, although I can still hear the waves.
I read some of my stuff to my companions last night. It was scary because I've never really done that before but they liked it.
Fluffy, my dark cloud, is back over my head today. I hope I can wring all of her misery into some killer writing.
For those who asked, Jack is a tiny wire coated jack Russell terrier. He is very friendly and cute and if he wasn't kept away from me I would play and talk with him all day. He was born under a wandering star (like Lee Marvin) and spent his early years living with different families in Eyeries under different names until he wandered up the hill one day and chose Anam Cara as his home.
Today I am listening to Regina Spektor's song, Edit. I like it because it seems particularly apt today. I feel the line 'You can write but you can't edit' applies.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The book I am reading this week
I wrote some blurbs before I started writing the book to help me focus my mind. Here is one of them:-
A slain king and a country at war, but the rightful heir has fled with his loyal companions and seeks refuge in the lands beyond the sea.
An island of power and magic, the prison for a creature from the stars who seeks to escape and get revenge on the peope who put it there.
A young man who wants to escape from the responsibility of the life he has left behind but discovers that he must face his enemies if he is to survive, and save the world too.
My companions are not fans of fantasy or well versed in speculative fiction, but they are interested in my work. It is a very international house at the moment. I represent Ireland, the other writer is from the U.K, our host is from the U.S and her friend is German.
There are books everywhere in the house. They line the corridors and are over the bed in my room. I think the fact there are so many is one of the reasons I felt so at home the moment I walked through the door. Even though the people don't know my genre, my old friends were waiting in my room to greet me:- Tolkien, Bradbury, Conan Doyle, Douglas Preston. Odd Thomas was already smiling welcome from the shelves, and so was Jimmy Tock unfortunately (but I don't have to talk to him).
Writing went well yesterday. I got the prologue done - lots of killing, so I'm happy with that - and started the first chapter where I introduced the hero Fored. I first wrote this book when I was a child so revisiting it makes me feel like a 12 year old again, but in a good way.
We watched a movie last night, Tropic Thunder, which wasn't my companions cup of tea. I am told there are 700 movies in the house. From what I have seen while browsing the shelves they are all romantic comedies. I might just evaporate in a puff of smoke like the witch in the Wizard of Oz when she had a bucket of water thrown over her. I can take rom coms but only with a healthy dose of horror afterwards to take away the sickly sweetness.
It is cold today and the clouds are rolling over the mountains down to the sea covering everything in fog. My window is misted up and I can't see my lovely view. Maybe just as well, I've writing to do.
Thank you for the lovely comments. Keep writing them. Anon, the food is really good, thanks. Shadowthorne, stop trying to get me to sleep and not write, I'm having a hard enough time battling narcalepsy as it is. :) Everyone else, thanks.
For anyone who is interested, my favourite Regina Spektor song today is Apres Moi because it has a nice Russian feel to it.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Anam Cara
Yes, I'm feeling inspired!
I felt like I was back in New Zealand yesterday as I drove through the Mountains near Kenmare. Every new twist and climb of the road revealed snow capped peaks and wide lakes on either side of the road. It was breathtaking.
The people at the retreat are very friendly and welcoming. There is just myself and one other writer as well as the woman who runs the centre and her friend. They immediately made me feel at home.
The house is fab nestled on five acres of fairy tale paths winding through the woods and fields and there is a river too. There are also ducks and hens and a little dog called jack.
The only problem (and perhaps it is a good thing) is that the Internet access is seven euro an hour for dial up connection and even my trusty iPhone is struggling to get not only a consistent signal but any signal at all. I had hoped to vblog but that is out of the question. I'm writing this on my phone and hoping to get it uploaded some time today. Because of the connection problems I might be able to read comments but not reply so I apologize for the rather one sided communication over the next few days.
I'm off to start on my novel now. I'm feeling very excited about it.
Oh, and SsQuo - I received your commands yesterday and obeyed. I listened to Regina Spektor over and over again for the full six hours of my journey. I can't say which is my favourite song because I love all of them for different reasons, but I am going to say That Time is the one I like best today for the way she says 'so cheap and juicy' :)
Monday, January 26, 2009
Writing Retreat
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Sunday Toon
Another oldie. These are a set of animations I did back in 2004. I put them together and added some music. They look quite cute.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
DIY Downsize: Week Two
I had a very busy week this week and unfortunately both my downsizing and my record of downsizing suffered. I did climb a lot of stairs though and I have begun to notice my clothes getting looser, especially around my waist, which is a good thing. A bit disappointing there is still no change in my weight, but the inches are continuing to come off and my body fat percentage to come down.
I'm going to a writer's retreat this week and it will be interesting to see how my downsizing gets on.
Anyway, here is my week in a rather boring video. Enjoy.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Acceptance is a Wonderful Thing
I am pleased that the good people over at samsdotpublishing accepted not one, but two of my stories for their publication. I am also overjoyed to have a story featured in both The Drabbler #12 and The Drabbler #13.

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Poetry Corner
by School Girl
Of all the donkeys ever
My father was the best.
He didn't wear a three piece suit,
He didn't wear a vest,
He never started work on time,
He never knew if it would rain or shine,
And if you put every farmer in a line
They would all confirm he was a pest.
My father had a favourite quote,
And that was - men are cruel.
And so he did his very best
To save me from their school.
Instead he taught me how to play,
To kick up my heels most of the day,
To give the very loudest bray
And to break almost every rule.
My father lived a happy life,
Waving his great big ears.
And he doesn't give a toss
That he's the cause of many heart felt tears.
Of farmers who have bought him,
Of mares that loved and lost him,
Not a thought have they cost him,
Through his fun filled years.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The Book I am Reading This Week

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Writer Out and About
Monday, January 19, 2009
Writing Exercise #9
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Sunday Toon
Saturday, January 17, 2009
DIY Downsize: Week One
Here is my week in three minutes. Enjoy!
My first week of the DIY Downsize Me Challege didn't go as well as I had hoped but didn't go too badly either, so here is to week two!
On a side note, thank you to everyone who took the time to leave such excellent comments on my post yesterday. I really appreciate it. It has given me a lot of food for thought.
Have a good weekend!
Inky's note: I'm sorry that this post is so late. I spent the whole of Saturday trying to upload the video and failing. Better late than never! :)
Friday, January 16, 2009
2009 Blog Improvement Project
Thursday, January 15, 2009
RIP Patrick McGoohan

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
The Book I am Reading This Week

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Writer Out and About
Monday, January 12, 2009
Writing Exercise #8
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Sunday (Not) Toon

Saturday, January 10, 2009
Vblogging has arrived!
There is a television programme in New Zealand called Downsize Me. Each week an expert in nutrition and one in fitness help a different person slim down and shape up over an eight week period. I have decided to do my own DIY downsize me challenge over the next eight weeks and vblog about my progress here every Saturday. My goal is to lose 8kg, but more importantly to get back into regular exercise and a healthy eating pattern. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. I started today with a 45 min walk on the beach with Janna (and a video of Blackrock beach to prove I was there). It was a hard 45 minutes - I really have got very out of shape - but I feel better for having done it.
Friday, January 09, 2009
The Don't Wants versus The Wants
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Inkpot Forecast

Current Forecast
08 January 2009 11:36
Very cloudy at first with a deep to severe depression, some pockets of self loathing, and some icy patches of conversation. The clouds will clear gradually to give another dark, unfulfilled day with the possibility of creative pieces developing later on.
Activities tonight might lead to a break in the clouds, but expect more storm clouds to draw in around midnight with some self recrimination, some harsh judgement and depressive thoughts leading to lack of sleep.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
The Book I am Reading This Week

Unless you've been living under a stone for the last thirty-something odd years you can't have missed hearing about Anne Rice and her vampire revolution in some shape or form. This book, about the life story of morose, pretentious so called vampire Louis introduced Ms Rice's most famous vampire - Lestat - and catapulted her into the public imagination.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Writer Out and About

Monday, January 05, 2009
Writing Exercise #7
This is a handy technique I discovered on Erica Hanson's blog for writers, readers and educators. What you do is take five minutes out of your day to write a paragraph on what 'today is'. You can write about your feelings, your surroundings, things that happened or will happen. You should focus on the five senses - remember to describe the colour, taste, smell, sound and texture of the day. Don't over think your paragraph either. Write it down as fast as you can.
If you keep a journal this is a wonderful place to put your 'Today is' thoughts, but typing it on your computer, into your phone or scribbling it on the back of a napkin works just as well.
My advice is to get a really pretty notebook, with a soft leather or fabric cover and crisp white pages. Write your entry in every day with a black ink pen. Over time you will have a lovely collection of thoughts that capture who you were at that moment. To make it extra special, write your 'Today is' paragraph at the start of the day at the top of the page and in the evening write three things that happened that day which you are grateful for at the bottom of the page. At the end of the year you will be able to look back and see how you have changed over twelve months.
Tell me what your day is like for you today. Is it full of velvet promise, or is it foggy with skunk rich activities? I look forward to reading about them in the comments section.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Sunday Toon

Saturday, January 03, 2009
Positive Thinking
The song says it all - accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative.
As a chronically negative person I find this very difficult. It is funny, I have no problem telling myself a hundred times a day how horrible I am, but when I try to tell myself I'm good at something, it sounds false. I think the negative 'affirmations' only sound genuine because they are so familiar.
Anyway, who wants to have anything to do with a sorry sack? Putting myself down isn't going to get me anywhere. I know I said I wasn't going to make any New Year's resolutions, and I'm not, but I am going to try and be more positive about things.
What do you do to keep positive, or do you think looking on the bright side is overrated?