Thursday, December 28, 2006
So, the six months are over...
Thank you to all the people who have helped me and supported me over the last six months. You are all stars and I love you (you know who you are!)
All the best, Iseult
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
This day week is Christmas day!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Weapons of mice distruction
If mice can be smuggled onto a plane, maybe it isn't too far fetched to think snakes can be too!
Friday, December 15, 2006
For Pinky

Thursday, December 14, 2006
Who will be Nodpot of the Year 2006?
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I've gone Beta!
I'm busy getting ready for Christmas. Sometimes, in all the hustle and bustle, late nights, early mornings and busy foodless days, I wonder what it is all about. I've lost track of the real meaning of Christmas, the reason why I celebrate the great feast, and got lost in a wash of hollow (yet pleasant) commercialism. At such times, I say to myself - don't worry about presents, they aren't really important and everyone will understand. Spend time on thinking about God and the light of the world that came to us on the 25th of December. For a few moments, I fully intend to concentrate on Christmas in a spiritual sense and spread peace and joy. Then something sets me off about presents again and I plunge once more into the elf factory.
Anyway, enough of that. What about writing, I hear you cry! 7 Days in Hell is finally finished and the Christmas orders are in from I'm dying to hear what other people think (although a little nervous as well). I still hope to get Til the Moon Fails finished before the Christmas holidays (Dec 23rd), but it is playing second place to the Christmas gifts that have to be made.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Squirrels cubed
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
So this is Christmas
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Random thoughts
Put some more photos on myheritage. Got Charleze Theron, Drew Barrymore and (can't remember third person!) but I got Kirsten Dunst the most often, so I guess we are most alike.
Taking Janna for walks again this week. Haven't gone back to the beach yet because the tide is in at the times I go for my walk, so the birds are safe for the moment.
Was going to go to the Prestige this week, but it only lasted one week in Dundalk cinema. Very disappointing. Another movie to add to my ever growing list of films to watch on DVD.
Have a lot of things to get finished for December. It is a struggle not to put my Christmas decorations up, but I will wait until the firs Sunday in Advent. I will enjoy it all the more. My writing plan is to finish writing my two books in November and then just edit in December with the view of sending out once again in the new year. It would be nice to get my Christmas presents sorted in November as well. I don't want to think too much about it though, because if I do, I might go back to bed and hide unde the covers! Little chunks are better to take than the whole burden.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Christmas Shopping
Shopping wise, things went well. Had a few set backs to begin with (it is not a good book shop week for me) but then we got into our stride. Had lunch in Barmitzva in the Powerscourt centre - love that place. They had exotic fish watching us as we ate, we watched them right back. It was nice. Then we wondered around Powerscourt and saw lots of little interesting shops that reminded me why I go to Dublin for Christmas shopping in the first place. Then we headed north side and got the majority of our stuff. It would be nice to get everything finished and wrapped by December 1st. I think it is possible after today's results.
Shop Assistant wise, I would give all the shops a big A+. Every shop we went into, an assistant came over and asked us politely if we needed help (maybe we looked a little lost?) and when we did buy, they were very friendly and helpful.
Went into one shop that seriously spooked me. It had full face baliclavas, lighters shaped like grenades and lots of hand gun equipment. Maybe it was just for hunters, but it felt like an terrorist shop. I couldn't get out fast enough.
Met a shop assistant in Hodges and Figus who was like a woman from another era. She was very nice, wore a red fuzzy tank top and had her glasses on a chain. She spoke in a soft voice, ending her sentences with an upward inflection, and she leaned closer to you when she spoke. I told her I had been sent up to her from downstairs to look for a book, and she said 'That was very naught of them.' She was like a slightly nutty librarian from a movie. She was nice.
Another shop assistant who stood out was an old man at the watch counter in Arnotts. He was really friendly - a real old gent - and did such a good job at describing a watch we were enquiring about that we almost bought it - despite it being WAY above our budget.
No writing done today (obviously) but I'll be back refreshed tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Random Thoughts

Uploaded my face to to see who I looked like, and apparently I have a 64% likeness to this woman here /
Kirsten Dunst. She is M.J in the spider man movies, starred in lots of things as a child, including Little Women and Jumanji, and recently appeared as MarieAntoinette in the movie of the same name.
I like Kirsten, I'm not at all unhappy with looking 64% like her. She is a good looking gal. I'm sure she is thrilled to know she is 64% like me!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
A Tribute to Troy
Last weekend, a family went for a walk in the country with their four Labradors. They were walking down a peaceful country lane when a pit bull type dog jumped out of the hedge and started to attack their dogs. It then turned from the dogs and latched onto the mother of the family's sleeve, knocking her to the ground. Luckily, she was well bundled up against the weather, and the dog didn't break her skin. Her husband grabbed the dog's hind legs to pull him off his wife, and they both told their children to run. The children ran towards a house at the end of the lane, with the four dogs. The pit bull (like dog) wanted to chase the children and managed to break free. He ran after the children, to the horror of the parents as they watched. The pit bull (like dog) was almost ontop of their little boy when his dog, Troy, realized what was going on and turned around to attack the dog. Troy crashed into the side of the pit bull (like dog), knocking him into the ditch. The two dogs started to fight in the ditch. The family made it to safety in the house at the end of the lane, and the police were called. The man who owned the house tried to get the pit bull (like dog) off Troy by beating him with a stick, but the dog wouldn't let go. The police came out and fired a warning shot (why? It was a dog?) but when that didn't scare the dog away, the policeman shot it three times. Unfortunately, poor Troy later died from his wounds.
This is a tribute to Troy, a brave and noble dog, who saved his young owner from certain mauling and perhaps even from death.
(maybe all labs aren't monsters, after all)
CORRECTION: Apparently Troy wasn't a lab after all, but some other kind of dog (haven't checked that out yet, but my source is reliable). So, sorry Troy for calling you the wrong breed. Labs - good reputation: 0 bad reputation:3
Thursday, November 09, 2006
The Great Little Egret Hunt!

I drove down to the Loakers at about 2pm this afternoon. I saw lots of ducks swimming in the pools among the tussocks and waders sheltering on the rocks and one lone white blob in the distance. To my relief, the blob decided to fly nearer and resolved into a beautiful little egret. I ran down the road to get nearer to it and scrambled up a muddy bank to take a photo (some bin men were doing their collection as I did this, I wonder did they see the egret too?) but while I could see the egret quite clearly, it didn't come out so well in the camera and, unfortunately, the resolution is too low to zoom

Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Little Egrets sighted on the salt marsh
Watch this space!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Writing Courses
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Saturday, November 04, 2006
The elusive squirrel
Sometimes, in the mornings, I meet the squirrel at the end of the avenue, posing on the gate post. I always regret that I don't have my camera with me (as any good investigator should. After all, I could see a sea monster or a pterosaur, and nobody would believe me if I didn't have my camera to take a snap). However, now I know that even if I had my camera with me, it doesn't mean I'll get a picture of the squirrel. Tis a pity.
Friday, November 03, 2006
The beauty of this time of year
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
The End of October Writing Challenge
I have decided to label October 2006 as the black writing month, or the month of literary drought (otherwise known as writer's block and sometimes Failurism).
Friday, October 27, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
The End of October Writing Challenge
or, its other name
So, what is WOK all about? The challenge is to write 70K words in nine days (that is, from now until October 31st). You have to write a novel, but it can be an existing one that you are either currently working on, have worked on before or have finished in the past and want to rewrite or add to. You can write in any way you want, but the aim of the challenge is to not only reach the 70K word goal, but to do so alive and in one piece.
Anyone interested? Anyone going to join me?
Friday, October 20, 2006
Dog eats face!
1. The 'donor' was a 'brain dead' woman who had attempted to hang herself (which means the poor woman was killed to get her face. I hope they gave her pain killers as they removed the skin)
2. The surgeon who performed the operation also performed the first hand transplant (what! they are doing that too now? Hope the 'donor' wasn't a killer, wouldn't want to have an evil hand!)
3. Isabelle will have to be on immunosuppressants for the rest of her life, to keep her body from rejecting her new face. Now, I know that people who get kidney transplants and such have to do this too, and there is a surprisingly high rejection rate. However, while it would be awful having your new kidney rejected, imagine waking up one morning and having your face rejected! Wouldn't that be awful (this is where we need cloning to make new faces!)
4. Isabelle couldn't smoke, talk and found it difficult to eat while she was missing her face.
5. Doctors have warned her not to smoke again as it could participate a rejection of her new face, but, undaunted, Isabelle has lit up again.
6. Isabelle's new face doesn't resemble either her old face or the donors. She now has fuller lips and a different shaped nose.
Ok, so that is interesting enough in itself but I wouldn't be blogging about her if that was it. Face transplants, while I know they are an amazing medical breakthrough, don't interest me that much. I've been brought up reading about them and seeing them in fiction, so the real thing pales a little in comparison. However, the way Isabelle lost her face really interests me. Allegedly, she took sleeping pills and, while unconscious, her pet Labrador ate her face! Now, while I don't doubt a dog could easily maul away someone's lips, nose and mouth, I don't understand why her pet would do this without provocation. How long was she unconscious? Was the dog starving? Did various searches on the net to see if there was a precedent for this, but didn't find any similar stories apart from starving dogs eating their dead owners (seemed to be a lot of Labradors doing it too - does this mean Labradors are man eaters, or they are just really popular breeds?)
Anyway, face transplants aside, the real story is how she got injured. What made the dog do this to her (if he did it at all?) I can't understand why the media haven't jumped on this. All the news stories mention the dog attack as a throw away line, as if this were normal. It isn't normal. Dogs do these things for a reason. I can't think of any reason why a dog, a pet, would do this to a sleeping woman without provocation. Anyone else think that this is the most interesting part of the story and that there is something very odd about it?
Either way, the poor woman did lose her face somehow and that would be a very traumatic and horrible thing to happen.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
100th Post!
As for The End. I was disappointed at the title, to begin with. All the other books have clever alliteration in the title like The Bad Beginning or The Hostile Hospital. I was sure the last book would be called The Evil Ending or The Ferocious Finale, so I was disappointed before I had even opened the cover.
As for the book itself, I don't want to give away too much. It didn't end the way I hoped or imagined, so I was disappointed on one level, but on another level it was a satisfactory ending. I thought the story was slow at the beginning and lacked a lot of the charm of the other books but it did pick up near the end. I didn't like the Penultimate Peril very much, I thought Lemony (or Daniel, I should say) was mean to his characters and the Baudileres acted out of character. However, they are back on form in The End.
My only gripe about the last book, apart from the title and not including my hoped for scenarios (which was a ridiculous expectation) is one that, like many series of children's books that have gone before it (Garth Nix's seven towers series springs to mind) while the books are well written, imaginative and have good characters there is no overall plot structure to sustain the series and they just peter out at the end. I still like reading them though!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Super Nanny
TV - the bane of my life!
I am still hoping I will get Til the Moon Fails before November 1st. I think Nanowrimo will be a doddle after that if I do! However, if I don't get it finished, I will have to continue writing it in November and it gets priority to my nano novel, so it will affect my chances of winning. I'm sure I can do it all! *hopeful grin*.
Little Miss Sunshine
I would definitely recommend this film
On a totally unrelated note, isn't chocolatier a wonderful word? I expect to see men with long curly hair, wearing velvet pantaloons and brandishing chocolate swords.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Feeling insecure
I'm just thinking like this coz I'm tired and feeling pretty ill and I've LOTS of work to do!
Also, M*A*S*H (the movie) is on telly and the the song - suicide is painless - is running through my head. I know that I've reached a low ebb when I'm watching M*A*S*H.
Watched Arrested Development this evening. Funniest line from the episode (which was pretty funny, and yes, I use the word pretty ALOT) was Bob Loblaw's Weblog (try saying that fast five times!)
I wasn't good company tonight, feeling really badly, so badly I am thinking of going to see the doctor again tomorrow *shudders*. Valpot gave me great idea for some articles though (fact based writing isn't my strong point at the moment).
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Happy Birthday Mulder
Monday, October 09, 2006
The book I am reading at the moment...
Sunday, October 08, 2006
The book I am reading at the moment...
Friday, October 06, 2006
Random thoughts
Thursday, October 05, 2006
National Novel Writing Month
Nanowrimo and annoyances
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Set backs and start ups
The National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo) website opens this week for registration. I toyed with the idea of being Municipal liaison for my area this year. I even considered doing up snazzy posters and going on local radio, but when I learned I would have to moderate a forum and encourage people online I thought it would involve too much precious time and decided against doing it. I will be doing the challenge though - 50,000 words in 30 days. A doddle! I'm writing a zombie horror, so that is what I'll be plunging straight into after I finish Til the Moon Fails. Lots of flesh eating and gore - great! Check out NaNoWriMo's site (link on left) and sign up.
The book I am reading at the moment...

Friday, September 29, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Bad year for the animals?
1. Rags.
Rags got knocked down earlier this year and was hospitalised for days. Thank God she didn't break any bones, but she suffered severe shock and needed an operation to patch up her legs. Quick, efficient veterinary care was what got her back on her feet, and she is now fully recovered.
2. Muffin
My little baby had been on heart tablets for over a year, but her death in June was still sudden. She was only nine years old and her final illness was sudden, less than 24 hours long and totally unexpected.
3. Janna
Due to poor nutrition and being in kennels, Janna had to be hospitalised for almost a week within a fortnight of joining her new home. She was severely dehydrated and needed to be on a drip for several days. I don't think her illness was potentially fatal, but it was serious enough because of her poor condition. A lot of time was spent visiting the vets and getting tablets.
4. Blueberry
Blueberry was knocked down in July, a near fatal accident, and broke his jaw. After eight years of dodging traffic, you would think he could have managed to avoid cars, but this time he used up one of his nine lives. His jaw had to be wired and he had to be kept inside for 6 weeks. He is fully recovered now, thankfully, but his jawline isn't quite the same as it was.
5. Woozer
Ok, she hasn't been hospitalised or in a near fatal accident, and she got a clean bill of health from the vet, but at 13 years old she is struggling day by day. She has a bulging growth over her left eye, a spongy growth coming out the back of her head, artritis, pants incessantly and her body looks quite saggy. She doesn't truly qualify as having a bad year, but like having a chronic bad couple of years.
6. Cori
Staked himself jumping over a fence on the night of the hurricane. He was very fortunate he didn't die from shock, blood loss or infection, but as he managed to survive all that, he is looking good for recovery. Looking at the hole, it is hard to imagine it will ever heal, but then again, I thought the same with Rags and Blue.
That only leaves Fudge and J.B to have avoided serious injury so far this year. With a couple of months left to go in 2006, should these poor furry things be worried? I am.
Equestrian Up Date

I received shocking news on Saturday. Michele went over to the horses and noticed Cori had a bad cut on his abdomen. She phoned me and I headed straight over. He had a long scrape from the girth back on his left side, which ended in a large, ragged, dirty hole. Michele thinks it happened on the day of the storm (last Thursday) when he jumped out of the field in panic because of the wind. Pictured left is a picture of me and Cori taken earlier in the year. The vet took about an hour to come out. He cleaned out the wound as best as he could, put in a couple of stitches and gave Cori a long acting antibiotic. Cori has been on box rest since Saturday, which he finds quiet stressful, but his best friend J.B is in the stable yard with him to keep him company. Poor Cori, it is a bad wound.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Turtles are quicker

Stayed up late last night working on a writing related Christmas present, but somewhat neglected Til the Moon fails. *sigh*. Feeling really tired today. Decided to do up a little chart of what I have left to write on this section, don't know if it was a good idea. I hope the green line has increased a lot by tomorrow.
Monday, September 18, 2006
For Cino
for my friend stopped running today
From Richard Adam's 'Watership Down'
In Memoriam
Friday, September 15, 2006
The X File connection

So, what has this got to do with 'My Name is Earl', I hear you ask? Well, at one stage Henry buys a lottery ticket. He wants to win $100,000, so he buys a scratch card and wins that amount. However, he needs the $100,000 up front, and the scratch card pays the prize in installments. Disgusted, Henry throws the scratch card in to the bin. Another man in the shop is horrified and picks the scratch card out of the bin. He is so overjoyed to have won the lottery, he dances out into the road waving the ticket, where he is knocked down by a bus. The ticket floats away and lands at the feet of the owner of the shop, who saw the whole thing.

Now, the whole premise of 'My Name is Earl' is that Earl has led a bad life, and Karma isn't going to let anything good happen to him until he starts righting the wrongs he has committed. To do this, Earl has made a list of all the bad things he has ever done and is systematically working his way through the list. If Earl neglects his duty, Karma reminds him by turning his plans for happiness sour. And how is this like the X Files? Because Earl's epiphany came when he bought a lottery ticket in a shop, won (I'm not sure, but I think it was $100,000) and danced out into the street in his happiness, only to be knocked down. This made him realize that anytime something good happened in his life, something really bad was sure to follow and blamed Karma for catching up on his sins.
I think it would be cool if Earl was inspired by the Goldberg Variation, and there are too many coincidences if it wasn't. I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere before, so that is why I am telling you. What do you think?
Thanks to Chris at DVD Screen Captures by Chrisnu for his great screen captures of the X Files Episode, The Goldberg Variation
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Futurama is back!

The details vary - will it be a movie, will it be 4 movies? Is it 13 new episodes, is it 16? - but the good news is that Futurama is definitely back on our screens in one form or other. The bad news, I am afraid, is that it won't be back until late next year, early 2008. :(
I have mixed feelings about this piece of news. I LOVE Futurama, and I've watched the episodes so many times on DVD that the crew of Planet Express are like my friends (well, Leela, Bender and Fry are my friends, I don't think I want to know the rest), but it has been a while since the last episode was made, and it ended on such a high. In 'The Devil's hands are idle playthings', Fry composes a holophoner opera for Leela, child of the stars (holophoners are the most difficult musical instrument to play in the universe, but they are cool!). He is only able to do this because he has the Robot Devil's hands. Before the opera is over, Fry has to give the hands back in order to save Leela, and loses his holophoner prowess. Everyone leaves, complaining, except Leela who wants to see how the opera ends. Fry, without skill, plays a simple tune where cartoon Fry and cartoon Leela kiss and walk hand in hand into the sunset. It's great! :)
Futurama ended on a high note, leaving the fans wanting more. I wonder though, should it have been left that way?
I'll still be watching/buying the new episodes/movies though! :)
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Penalty Points
1. Driving a HGV or bus on outside lane on a motorway - does that mean they can't overtake? What if the car ahead of you is going at 10 miles an hour? Does the poor HGV or bus driver have to stay behind them for fear of getting a penalty point?
2. Failure to yield - to yield to what? There are already penalty points for 'Failure to yield right of way at a yield sign/ yield line' and 'Failure to comply with mandatory traffic signs at junctions' (which surely covers failure to stop at a stop sign, which is also listed) so what is this failure to yield you are going to get points for? Failure to yield to the government and hail the EU as your new god?
3. Driving without reasonable consideration - So if you curse at the person who has just driven out in front of you (failing to yield), you are going to get points? Maybe you haven't let anyone out of a side road, or smiled at the other drivers as you drive along. Is that being unreasonably inconsiderate? Seeing how they classify stopping in about ten different ways (failure to stop at stop sign, failure to stop for Gardai, failure to stop for traffic warden, failure to stop at junction) I am sure they could have thought up another ten reasons for being unreasonable - and giving points for it.
4. Driving a vehicle when unfit - What has physical aptitude got to do with this? So, you puff and pant a bit climbing the stairs, doesn't mean you can't drive perfectly safely! Oh, wait, maybe they mean a different kind of unfitness - like tiredness, mental or emotion disturbance, drugs, drink - but no! they would have said that if they meant it, wouldn't they?
Another thing that really bugs me is that in the ads on TV they say you get points for using a mobile phone (you don't, it is an offense to HOLD a mobile phone while operating a mechanically propelled vehicle) and for your passengers not wearing seatbelts, which again is untrue. You are responsible for the front passenger to wear a seat belt and for all back seat passengers under 17, but if you are driving someone over 17 then you can't get the points. It is ridiculous!
Barry: I have a moral objection to wearing a seatbelt and I will not wear the 'Man's' harness while traveling in your back seat.
Anne: Sorry Barry, I can't take you in the car then because I might crash it, and you would fly through the front window like a charging elephant and kills us all - which would be your fault - and to crown it all, I would get penalty points on my license.
Barry: Don't worry, I'm over 18.
Anyway, as this country is going to H**L, I thought I would offer some of my own suggestions for new penalty points: -
1. Listening to the radio while driving
2. Talking to passengers while driving
3. Well, gosh darn it, they are so annoying not wearing seatbelts, killing people in crashes and being distracting, let's make it an offense to drive with passengers in the first place!
4. Taking your eyes off the road
5. Putting on make up in your car
6. Driving in your pajamas
7. Driving in a good mood
8. Driving in a bad mood
9. Driving after eating (on a full stomach)
10. Driving without eating (on an empty stomach)
11. Honking your horn at dangerous drivers
12. Driving too slow
and lastly, my favorite...
13. Displaying 'baby on board' or other vacuous stickers on rear windows of cars (must be an incitement to road rage at the very least).
Check out the National Safety Council's (ha!) website for all the penalty points. It is a laugh.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Another one bites the dust
Saturday, September 09, 2006
High Tide
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
The book I am reading at the moment...
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Silence is golden?
Monday, August 28, 2006
A ramblers ramblings
While walking on the beach this morning with Janna, I was privy to a host of wildlife. I saw a very large crab in a shallow pool near some rocks. The only reason I saw him at all was because I noticed a large ripple in the pool and then I noticed the crab scuttling under the rocks. He was perfectly camouflaged to match in with the lichen covered rock. He is the second live crab I have seen, and the largest. There were lots of birds on the shore too, oyster catchers and gulls (but not my monster gulls unfortunately) and a heron flew up from some rocks as I approached, looping lazily across the strand in a very haphazard manner. Janna chased some of the oyster catchers, and with the dogged determination of her breed, I was afraid she would catch one, because they didn't fly very high. Luckily, they escaped. I also saw lots of tiny fish fry whizzing around the pools, and the imprint of webbed feet were all over the sand - is there anything cuter?
There is a talk on Blackrock's ecology this evening. I am looking forward to going to it and learning more about the beasties I see every morning on my walk.
Response to Section Two
I'm looking forward to starting section 3 today and I already have the next couple of chapters planned out in detail in my head.
Blueberry update

I left Blueberry into the vet this morning to get the wire removed from his jaw. All going well, his jaw will have stabilized and they will be able to do the operation. His weeks of captivity are almost at an end. He has been kept inside every night since 8th July. While his temperament is better and he is looking leaner and sleeker (no more mice and rats to chew on) he is dying to get outside again. I'm looking forward to it too!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
When good dogs go... bite?
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Section Two
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Lunch time
Anyway, enough of walks and lunch. Time to get back to starting section two.
I still have sand in my shoes

Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Beach bliss
The sun decided to appear this morning after four days of dark cloud and constant rain. Hurried out to the beach. Went to kinnego bay. The sand was golden the atlantic was pearly green with so much foam it looked like some one had put bubble bath in it and the rocks were smooth solid blue or black. The ocean must be rough in the bay because there was very little life in the rock pools. A few dogged limpets and a plank covered with muscles. I have never seen them open and feeding before. It was beautiful. Saw two dead fish washed up too - another first. Janna had great time frolicing in the waves and biting at the water. The beach was quite short and the sand was very soft so not great for walking. If the weather stays fine we will search further afield for a longer strand. The bay made me think of my book and started my writing cogs turning again. Found out when i got back to the house that a ship went down there in the sixteenth century. I must get an hours work in this evening. Feeling inspired.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Bus mans holiday - not!
Arrived saturday. The house is lovely. Very cosy with comfy leather couches and a huge double bed. Janna has settled in really well. I was afraid she would be nervous but that is not the case. Bad weather so no beach but walks all the same. No writing as of yet. Im waiting for inspiration to strike. I have the laptop with me but im not going to force it. I am on holidays.
Friday, August 11, 2006
We're all going on a summer holiday!
Dublin Horse Show 2006

Between the rounds of the Nations Cup the Army's Equitation School performed a lovely demonstration of riding together. It was beautiful to watch, and I was amazed at their military precision (Cori and J.B watch out!)
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Mobile communication
This is a test to see if i can up date my blog while i am on holidays next week. I don't want my fans getting withdrawal symptoms! Fingers crossed it works (if you can read this it worked)
Monday, August 07, 2006
Good Luck Michele and J.B!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
As clear as mud
Monday, July 31, 2006
As regards writing...
Maybe I should leave it til tomorrow when I feel more rested. :S
Congratulations Michele!

A huge big congratulations to Michele and Blackrock Bay (aka J.B) for coming fourth yesterday at the 1 day event in Dunany. You are both stars!
(the above picture of Michele and J.B was taken in May at a Derby day in Cheval, where she also came fourth. Maybe Valerie could give me her pictures of Michele's triumphant day yesterday so I could up date it?)
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Ggrrr Arrgggg - watch out for bears!
Writing is easy (but not at the moment).
I'm grumbling and growling through my porridge (there was no milk this morning).
I'm trying to break my block.
Until it is broken, I'm sulking.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
More difficult than I thought (lost post found)
Not so much with this one, but I guess every birth is different.
Here's to another three months of labour pains!
The cruelty of life
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
Goals for week three
2. Finish part two of Til the Moon Fails
Blueberry update
I feel like Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window today (no, I don't have a broken leg, I am not a photographer, I don't have a block of flats across from my house and, oh yes, I'm not male) but it is really hot and someone is playing the piano and I remember from the movie some composer was always tinkering away at the ebony and ivory. It is nice. Making me feel sleepy though.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Review of Goals
2. Start Til the Moon Fails - completed
3. Write short story - Not started
I wrote 8,760 words this week, which is a little less than last week, but I did spend two days working on the plot of Til the Moon Fails.
I am taking the day off today. All work and no play makes Iseult a dull boy (or, I mean, girl).
Saturday, July 15, 2006
In the zone
Friday, July 14, 2006
Well, I've started it
Thursday, July 13, 2006

Fudge as a scruffy little kitten (isn't he cute!) and...

Fudge as a more mature adult cat (still cute though!)
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
A poem for Blueberry
By Tottie
Blueberry - you look like hell
Please God - soon you'll be well!
Blueberry - you gave us a thrill
when you were fit and healthy still,
with a throaty purr
and silky fur
You deafened your enemies with a frightening roar.
Blueberry, hurry and give us a bell
and let us all know once you are well!
(This was posted as a comment by Tottie Super Rabbit, but it was so good I had to put it on the blog. Thanks Tottie!)
My second favourite tree

I remember when my mum bought this eucalyptus. I don't think I was even ten years old. Every week I would go outside with my mum and stand beside it to see how much it had grown. It started off smaller than me and then slowly reached the same height and grew and grew until it surpassed me by many metres. It is really tall now. It is still an exotic wonder to me. I almost expect to see a Koala sitting in it when I look out the window.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Some things of note
2. Simon and Danielle's wedding anniversary today
Blueberry update